Join two zoo naturalists for our City Nature Challenge BioBlitz nature hikes in some of Rochester’s beautiful parks. This hike will take place on April 27th from 1:45 p.m. -3:30 p.m. at Turning Point Park. The goal of these Bioblitz’s is to document the variety of plant, animal, and fungal species that exist in and around the City of Rochester. We will hike through these parks and stop to document the organisms we find on the iNaturalist App. Throughout the hike we will give you opportunities to go out and explore areas on your own to see what you are able find.
Register for Nature Hike
The City Nature Challenge is an international effort for people to find and document plants and wildlife in cities across the globe. It’s a bioblitz-style competition where cities are in a contest against each other to see who can make the most observations of nature, who can find the most species, and who can engage the most people. By participating in the City Nature Challenge, not only do you learn more about your local nature, but you can also make your city a better place – for you and other species!
Learn About City Nature Challenge